Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fragment 54

Recent events are a good reminder that we are in an Occult war. The Occult war is when a government or powerful alliance of interests try to make everyone think alike. This is the overriding reason I wrote this "Fragment" if the L.H.P. wants to compete in the arena of ideas, it must have ideas, and policy alternatives to the decadent R.H.P. narrative. For the R.H.P. everyone must have the same narrative. A Christian heresy has gained wide support both inside and outside of the churches. It has even gained support from the globalists. The globalists are the enemy in the present Occult war. The heresy has several names: the most common being "wokism", the heresy started out as "modernism" and then morphed into "Liberation theology". "Wokism" is the current name, but that could change, since its proponents like to use duplicitous language. It must be said that "Wokism" is even more radical than "Liberation theology". Liberation theology cannot embrace transgenderism. The reason is because the central metaphor of Liberation theology is the union of "Bridegroom and Bride' united in love. This is why Pope Francis cannot embrace Wokism. To better understand the heresy of Wokism from an occult-religious perspective. I shall examine Wokism from the perspective of the Theosophy movement that started with J. Bohme, (not to be confused with Blavtsky's latter theosophical movement) that continued on with Johann Gichtel, John Portage, Jane Leade, and so on. (for more information on this movement and how it developed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries I recommend the book "Wisdom's Children" by Arthur Versluis) There have been many names for the social space we live in. Chardin called it the "noosphere", Hegel called "substance", the German Idealists called it "intersubjectivity", and the Theosophers called it "the Astral". (I am using the term "Theosophers" to distinguish the seventeenth and eighteenth movement from Blavatsky's more recent "theosophists") The Astral is the social space of both the individual and the collective. It is the intellectual and emotional envelope that circles the globe. The theosophers did not think this would lead to any Utopia like Chardin and the modern proponents of Wokism. An example would be Chardin's Omega point. As I said, this social space is not purely intellectual, but loaded with emotions. The German Idealists claim that if we could all reason together Utopia would arrive is a fallacy. Social media is the best example of its failure. The Astral according to Gitchtel is this envelope of thoughts and emotions that surround us. Gichtel wanted to purify the Astral to make it pellucid. The way to do this was to not get involved in worldly matters. This not only means giving up vices, it also means giving up loyalties to sports teams, churches, or nations. One's thoughts should be centered around God. The Theosophers evolved a system to do this. It involved prayer. fasting, and meditating on images. This is the basis of much of philosophy and religion. It is not the philosophy of Wokism or Liberation theology. For Wokism and Liberation theology the unforgivable sin is individualism. Any deviation from collectivism is sin.The globalists in Gichtel words " they want to darken the Astral until there is no independent thought and no genuine spirituality. Utopia is their goal. I will have more to say about Utopia later. Remember both Wokism and Liberation Theology are duplicitous in their use of language. Let us begin by examining the recent protests against Israel and the jews. I shall begin with a word to History professors. I have heard that the majority of professors joining the protests were History professors. If one is a History professor and is part of a mob of barbaric jew haters chanting genocidal and absurd slogans; one is a failure as a historian. And one should probably be sued for educational malpractice by the students. A historian who engages in such practices is too stupid to teach. A historian should rise above the raw emotions of the present, maintain their objectivity. What the historian should be doing is these modern protests movements to movements in the past. The obvious examples are Hitler's Germany in the 1930s, and when St, Cyril provoked his followers to destroy ancient the Pagan culture. by tearing down statues and the murder of Hypathia. A historian that has lost an objective view is no longer a historian. Let us look at some of the ethical issues involved in the protests from a L.H.P. perspective. I have watched interviews of the protesting students. There seems to be two groups to this movement. The first are the muslim jew haters. Jew hatred is part of the D.N.A. of Islam. The second group is privileged kids that do not even understand what they are protesting. They are protesting to feel morally superior; this is the woke students. What I have heard from the woke students is that they are protesting to be part of a woke movement: virtue signaling. A movement that has nothing to do with them. This is typical R.H.P. activity. To sacrifice yourself for some vague greater good. When these students are asked about whether they are concerned with how the protests might sabotage their academic career. or future careers? Like having a criminal record for the rest of their lives.They reply that it is worth it. Until they get arrested, and have to pay a real price for their activities, then they cry not to be expelled or deported. What do the students get from the protests? Do they get material wealth or advantages in later life? No, they only get to feel morally superior. When someone sacrifices their own good to feel morally superior, they are buying Snake Oil. The students do not realize they are under the control of an Egregore that cares nothing about them. And is using them for its own agenda. The future well being of the protestors is of no concern to the Egregore. The Egregore does not care if they get physically hurt or killed in the protests, it is using them for its agenda. All this to virtue signal. Thus I propose a new moral maxim: What is in it for me? In simple terms if one is following an Egregore that may get one killed, maimed, or destroy one's future for feeling good about one's self. One has bought Snake Oil. The future promise of the Snake Oil is Utopia. It is laughable to watch the chattering class admire the student protests, even though they condemn the jew-hatred and the violence. This is the R.H.P. at its worst. The chattering class should be condemning the stupidity of the students for falling under a delusion. Both the jew-haters and the progressive students are being used by an Egregore to fulfil its agenda, and not the students. I am going to take a diversion here. I have been studying the Chinese Qing dynasty. Even if one tries to keep one's studies on one period of history it naturally expands to cover the past,and the present. I can tell you that the Chinese have already won the competition for global dominance. Without listening to the "experts" in the chattering class. I do not need to know the economic or military theories of the so-called experts. The most valuable resource a nation has is its young people. Chinese students and recent university grads are motivated, self disciplined, and very smart. Unlike the U.S. students are content to wallow in narcissism, and sanctimony that they have learned from their elders. The U.S. government is quickly losing the Mandate of Heaven as the Chinese say. The Mandate of Heaven has little to do with religion, instead it means legitimacy. For a nation to have legitimacy it must be able to make things work, and have the people trust its institutions. The ruling class in the U.S. are content to live in a pretend world, here everything is great. This is much like the end of the Qing dynasty, even after the wake up call of the First Sino-Japanese war there were still some that could not break the dream. that China was the only civilization and the rest were at various levels of barbarism. As I said before, the sleep is deep, and the dream is strong. I shall now move to our next topic, which is about capital punishment. It centers around an argument the so-called super-geniuses on the left use to make about capital punishment. We know they were super-geniuses because they told us all the time. (as a side I never had strong feelings about capital punishment. I thought capital punishment would never go away because of human nature) This argument has not been used in decades. The argument runs; that we are too civilized of a nation to have capital punishment. The super-geniuses then would point to Sweden. Of course this was before mass immigration changed Sweden. Before immigration Sweden had a very low crime rate. With murders in the low one digits if at all, no forcible rape for years. A county as peaceful as Sweden does not need capital punishment. Of course the left never points to Sweden anymore. If they really wanted to emulate a peaceful society they should be pointing to Hungary today. But it is never about practical matters; for the left everything is about ideology. Let us now look at the argument, which its proponents never did. The argument is that the harshness of the laws should correspond to the degree of civilization that a society has achieved. I was converted by the argument. If a nation has the crime rate of pre immigration Sweden, it should not have harsh laws and capital punishment. By this standard the U.S. should be having public hangings now. As society becomes more barbaric the harshness of the laws should be adjusted. The degree of civilization should be determined by the amount of violence in society. This should provide the ever elusive definition of cruel and unusual punishment. The laws should follow a sliding scale of the amount of violence in society. Of course, the super-geniuses on the left never thought out the implications of the argument they were using. They just wanted to point to Sweden and western European nations as a model for policy. Of course mass migration ruined their argument. We have one last topic for this "Fragment".Which is social evolution. I want to connect this with Occult philosophy. Most political ideas start as religious ideas. Theology and law are related subjects. One's metaphysics or theology affects one's politics and ideas about legal philosophy. What we are observing with wokism is a Christian heresy. Pope Pius XII said that "modernism is the synthesis of the synthesis of all heresies". Pope Pius X claimed that modernism was a cesspool of heresy. Modernism gave birth to Liberation theology. Wokism is just a more radical strain of Liberation theology. (if you do not believe me read "A Theology of Liberation" Gustavo Guterrez) Both Liberation theology and wokism are based on the fantasy of Utopia. There is no scientific evidence that humanity is progressing towards Utopia. Utopia is a religious idea. The idea of Utopia has caused the death of more people than any other religion, except for Islam. Both Islam and wokism are based on the idea of a coming Utopia. There is no Utopia, no Utopia in the future or the past. To add to modern demonology. Utopia is the siren that wrecks countries and people. It is like the Sirens of classical Greece whose song led to the doom of sailors. Utopia destroys both individuals and nations that follow her song. I seem to be writing about political ideas but I am actually writing about religious ideas. Utopia is a matter of faith not science.And it must be attacked vigorously since this is the promise and draw of wokism and LIberation Theology. I have a few more remarks before I explain the theory of Utopia. One may wonder what evolution has to do with Occultism? Let me quote Crowley remarks on the reading list. (from "Magic: Theory and practice): "The general object of this course, besides that already stated, is to assume a sound education in occult matters, so when spiritual illumination comes it may find a well-built temple. Where the mind is strongly biased towards a special theory , the result of and illumination is often to influence that portion of the mind which is thus overdeveloped with the result that the aspirant, instead of becoming an Adept Becomes a bigot and fanatic." Crowley recommends reading Herbert Spencer and Thomas Huxley. I wonder how many in the Crowley groups have read Spencer, and, or Huxley. How does this tie in with Utopia? The "experts" that are preaching Utopia are practicing pseudoscience. Believing in Bigfoot Lake Monsters or Atlantis is the same as believing in Utopia. I shall use crypto-zoology as an example. The crypto-zoologist starts out assuming Bigfoot exists, and then starts looking for evidence to confirm their theory. This is not how science works (theology works this way), instead science starts out with evidence and then comes up with theories to account for the evidence. Also scientists are supposed to be able to abandon theories when they do not work. What makes pseudo-science appear to be science looks like reverse engineering. The trouble is of course, in reverse engineering one already has the object or entity to be studied. P.S. I will be revisiting some of the material in this "Fragment" in future "Fragments". So bone up on Spencer and evolution

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