Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Fragment 14

It is time to revisit the topic of Egregores. A topic that has caused me much confusion and vexation. I have had to revise my definition of Egregores, due to some recent unpleasant experiences that clarified my thinking on the subject. I had previously restricted the term "Egregores" to just the three incarnations of god in the Aberhamic religions, but this was to narrow of a definition. As I have said before the hidden god in all three Aberhamic religions is Aten, but due to the different cultures of the three religions the three gods differ. Aten is a mechanical god, that is empty. For Aten to function he needs material, which is the differing cultures to the three religions. That is why the violent Allah is far different than the loving father Jehovah. My new definition of Egregores is the voices we hear in our heads. All the voices. Egregores are the living embodiment of sigils. It is how sigils work. In the last "Fragment" where I discussed sigils, it would be easy to think of them as passive, nothing could be further from the truth. Instead Egregores are active and dynamic, they are the embodiment of a group of connected sigils. Before we examine the nature and composition of Egregores, lit us look at some examples of Egregores at work. In the Middle Eastern tradition it was held that the voices one hears in their heads as the Jinn whispering to the person. the Western tradition warns us that demons are always trying to tempt us by whispering to us. We see voices in the head were supposed to be external agents. One of the most pellucid examples of how Egregores function comes from children's cartoons. The familiar trope of a subject with an angel and demon on opposing shoulders, arguing about a proposed course of action. Now back to nature of Egregores and how they gain power over a person. To understand how Egregores work we must examine the topic of the homunculus. the homunculus is the little man in the head that either approves, or restrains proposed actions. The homunculus is the ruler of the inner world, often referred to as a conscience. The mistake we make is thinking there is only one homunculus. In actuality any of the Egregores can take the throne and become the homunculus. In simple terms any of the voices in your head can take over; to approve or restrain courses of action. We have many examples of this in everyday life. Like when someone says "I don't know what got into me" when I bought this or that, or did something out of character. The reason why we do not understand the thinking behind some action is because it is another Egregore in charge of the inner world. Every Egregore has its own agenda. I am not saying that Egregores are all bad, in fact they are quite useful.They are also the mechanism behind our power of self-reflection. Self-reflection happens when one Egregore critiques another Egregore that live in our inner life. This is the true meaning of Fichte's teaching that we can produce an infinite numbers of I's or egos.Self-reflection should not thought of in an abstract manner in which each ego is a mirror in which we view ourselves, instead each Egregore has an agenda. Egregores are not objective or disinterested self-observers. It must be said all Egregores are not equal. They vary in power and development. Egregores are made of sigils (Image-Triggers). As I said sigils should not be thought of as passive, instead they are active and dynamic when charged.One of the aims of all Egregores is to make sure that the sigils in which it is composed stay charged. As we shall see Egregores feed on human emotions, this is how the sigils are charged. The more emotion one feeds to the sigils that compose and Egregore the more powerful the Egregore becomes, and it is only powerful Egregores that can become the homunculus. The rest are just faint whispers in the arguments that go on in our head. To keep an Egregore alive it must be fed. this is why all ideological movements whether religious or political have rallies, literature,meetings, etc. To give an Egregore the power to become the homunculus. Control the voices in a person's head is to control the person. All ideological movements are always preaching to the choir to reinforce the Egregore of the movement. In politics this is called: "giving the base red meat" to get the base excited. This is an effective way to feed the Egregore. Even the faintest voice has a chance to become the homunculus if fed. This is why ideological movements start by trying to cause doubt in a person. This is to get the Egregore in a person's head however faint. The new Egregore gets in by criticizing more established Egregores. Again the voice gets established in the mind. This is also why all ideological movements want to get a hold on children. The sigils that are projected on a person in childhood are the hardest to banish. Another trick of Egregores is to try to connect themselves to with an existing sigil. This can clearly be observed in advertising and political campaigns.Television commercials always use a familiar setting. They try to connect a brand name with activity. Like laundry soap commercials feature kids with dirt stained clothing. In political campaigns this is called kitchen table issues. More on Egregores next Fragment. a Necromancer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fragment 13

It is now time to address thought worlds and magic. The purpose of White magic (R.H.P.) is to bind everyone together into one thought world. Let us take a brief look at how thought worlds control people to their detriment. Everyone who has read Gurdjieff's "Meetings with Remarkable Men" knows the story about the young Yezidi boy who could not escape from the circle drawn in sand around him.It is not that the boy could not physically step our of the circle in the sand. It was the work of a sigil. That Yezidis should never break a circle, because of its importance to the Yezidi belief system. A similar example would be all the Christian missionaries that have been killed in the Middle East because they would not step on a Cross.These are extreme examples, but they illustrate how sigils control people even to their own destruction. I will now turn to Dee and Kelly's Enochian system of magic. A system of magic that has been badly misunderstood. According to most occult writers it is a way to approach the One (the Absolute). To merge with the divine, but this is wrong.The Enochian system is a deprogramming agent. It brings to consciousness the sigils that compose a thought world. In other words it sublates the sigils. So the Magos can decide if he wants to control, or try to remove the sigil. Of course, some sigils cannot be removed. Donald Tyson in his excellent book "Serpent Wisdom" makes the keen observation that the unexpressed or hidden key is the primordial Mother.Trying to free oneself from the control and influence of the Mother is one of the most difficult tasks in magic. For those interested in the subject C.G. Jung has much to say about the "terrible Mother' Even if the operator cannot banish the sigil of the Mother, he can learn to control it. Tyson overlooked one hidden key even though it is in plain sight. That is the whole system of the watchtowers is a key, the whole system is a key. The key to dissolving thought worlds, a way to free oneself from societies sigils. This is the purpose of Enochian magic. That is why Tyson and others remark about the Apocalyptic nature of the system. Its purpose is not to bring about the destruction of the physical world, but to dissolve the prison thought worlds we find ourselves in. Let us now go back to Gurdjieff and his cartoonish system of magic for another example. The example would be his Ray of Creation. At first sight it seems a caricature of the Great Chain of Being that dominates so much of western occultism and philosophy. The interesting part os the how it ascribes laws to each link. Gurdjieff makes the claim that the Earth is under 48 laws, the Moon under 96 laws. The further one gets away from the Creator the law bound and thus the more mechanical life is. It seems both Gurdjieff and his followers misunderstood this teaching. This also give credence to Gurdjieff's the statement that he stole the system, asystem he did not understand. Gurdjieff and his followers interpret this as physical laws. According to his teaching the awakened man is not subject to all the physical laws that the rest of us are under. In simpler terms the awakened person would not be subject to accidents. This is why Gurdjieff's car accident shook the faith of Ouspensky so much. The real meaning is of course, that the awakened person is conscious of the sigils that other have projected on him; to control him. And has the choice of to banish those that can be banished, and control those that cannot be removed. It has nothing to do with physical laws. a Necromancer