Monday, December 9, 2019

Fragment 19

I remember as a teenager how much I enjoyed reading Sax Rohmer's "Romance of Sorcery".I really liked the brief biographies he did of some of the prominent Occultists of the past. They were both instructive and inspirational. It is always instructive to observe people that are further along the same path: to find ones true self, and true will. And it is inspirational to read about what they accomplished. So in the spirit of Sax Rohmer, I am going to write on some of the important figures of Occultism. Instead of pure biography like Rohmer, I want to write more critical essays to examine their contributions they made to Occultism. My only criteria for the figures I picked is that I have something new to say, or I believe they have been undeservedly overlooked, or forgotten.I know that there are a lot of young aspirants that have taken up the path because they were inspired by reading "Harry Potter" books, or fantasy novels. Where there is some super powered wizard. I have no trouble with this, it does not matter where ones inspiration comes from. It is to those young aspirants that I address this essay to; I remember being one of them. So I am going to start with the most powerful Magos of the twentieth century. I know power is a powerful inspiration; like the powerful wizards we meet in fantasy novels. The wizard that can change the world; turn back armies or invading fleets with the wave of his-her magic wand. this type of wizard is a staple of fantasy novels. the figure we are going to look at in this essay is one of the few Magi that had this kind of power; the power to bring one of the great empires of history to its knees. His life should also be seen as a cautionary tale; that this kind of power brings both great responsibility and sacrifice. So let us observe the most powerful Magos of the twentieth century: Mohandas K. Ghandi, the Great Souled One. I can already hear the questions of in the readers minds. Ghandi was a political figure what does he have to do with magic? As I said last "Fragment" that our modern distinction between Occultism, Religion, and politics is an artificial one. People want to live according to their beliefs ( Faith, Religion, Magic, etc.).Ghandi's aim was political, a free and independent India; his methods were magical. If a reader doubts the power of Ghandi's magic, tell me another modern Magos that has defeated a great empire by the force of his personality. Ghandi had no armies, navies, or guns, etc. His power consisted of the power of his personality. By the force of his will he brought the British empire to its knees. And he never even issued a violent threat. Let us look at Ghandi as a magical figure. In ancient mythologies we often encounter semi-divine figures (Demigods) who founded their culture by driving out invaders, using only the force of their personalities: such is Ghandi. If Ghandi had lived in the Bronze age he would have been portrayed as such a Demigod. In the fantasy novels the wizard is usually portrayed as being attired in elaborate robes with a fancy magic wand. Ghandi did have a distinctive style of dress. He wore a loincloth and a shawl. Let me say a few words about the colorful clothes many Magi adopt. I am not condemning this practice. A Magos has both right and a duty to choose his-her dress style. To be authentic, a Magos should choose a dress style that that represents some aspect of their self. Of course, this is what Ghandi did with hes distinctive style. His mode of dress represented his discipline and self sacrifice. Everything superfluous to his mission was discarded. I also want to say a few words about the magic wand, or magical tools. All or us have our favorite magical tools. The magical tools should also be a symbol of the self of the Magos. So instead of a wand Ghandi had a spinning wheel. This is a representation of his self and his teaching. That one needs to work to achieve independence and self sufficiency. Ghandi charged into such a powerful sigil that is on the national flag of India. No culture know how to sacralize work like the Indians. Work is not just an ethic, but a spiritual discipline. this has had the side effect of making Indians some of the most desired employees for industries around the world. Humble work and and perseverance were the foundations of Ghandi's power. It is hare to think of a more fitting symbol for him than the spinning wheel. The source of Ghandi's power was perseverance,work, and his unimpeachable integrity. If one desires success and power in magic one must have integrity. There is no substitute. the result was Ghandi's moral authority. A quality that is lacking in today's world. He gained moral authority through conscious suffering, integrity, and work. Moral authority has to be earned. This is something the present age has forgotten. The present day media tries to manufacture moral authority. This can be seen in all the teen activists the media is always hyping. Of course these teen activists have not done the work to earn moral authority, that is why they have none. Moral authority can not be artificially manufactured. Only through conscious suffering, and perseverance can moral authority be gotten. Ghandi taught that conscious suffering give one soul force that can be used, for those that still have doubts for Ghandi being a magical figure. Let us take a look at Ghandi's integrity. No matter how many times he was beaten wrongly imprisoned, he was never tempted to use violence. He never gave into rage. It seems from his writings that violence never even tempted him. He never even issued a violent threat To conclude I want to briefly look at moral authority, since it is a magical power that is largely absent in the present day. To take the simplest example: a teacher supervising children. The simplest way for a teacher to loose moral authority is to go down to the level of the children. the teacher must be a fair impartial judge of the children's actions, and live up to the standards that have been set. In one word: Integrity. The other pillar of moral authority is expertise. This is earned from expeience. The teacher has had to master his-her subject. Which means making mistakes, and discipline. In other words: conscious suffering and perseverance. Ghandi never sank to the level of his adversaries. And there were no nights or weekends off from being Ghandi. No trips to the gaming tables, or romancing starlets. His asceticism, and devotion to his cause put him on a higher level than those around him. Ghandi's teaching is called " satygraha " which roughly translates as holding on to truth. For Ghandi truth was not a abstract idea, but an ethical practice, truth is lived. Ghandi also taught self sufficiency. When you are dependent on other people you are already compromised. Ghandi was an Indian nationalist that sought to free people, make them independent, by being self sufficient. If Ghandi is not to your taste in Magi, next "Fragment" I shall examine a fun colorful Magos from the nineteenth century. That is both overlooked and important.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fragment 18

I was going to move on to another subject, but I still have more to say about Demonology, and Egregores. I shall start with Demonology. As I stated last "Fragment" the subject of Demonology has been neglected for too long. Instead, investigating modern demons, the present day Demonologists have become historians or archeologists. They can tell you all about some obscure Indian demon from the Bronze age, but nothing about modern demons.They have become useless in telling us anything about the present demons that infect society. They have nothing to say about the current plague of demons that are ripping society apart. Our society plagued with senseless violence, agressive factions, and murderous cults. Do not let the political sounding names of the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, or all the alphabet titles of Progressive political groups fool you. The goal of all is a religious or spirtiual goal: A perfect society. It is a modern delusion that politics and religion can be separated. I will have more to say about this in forthcoming "Fragments". The old demons do not explain present day society. The old demons were probably formidable in their day. We live in a demon haunted world, this is truth our leaders do not want to admit. Let us now move to gods.One of the duties of gods is to banish or keep the demons at bay. The trouble is old Jehovah is too weak. Not that I am mourning the loss of any of Aton's children. The gods are nourished by human emotions, our emotions are the food of gods and demons. It is an interesting event that the Classical gods of Egypt, and Classical Greece and Rome have reemerged. I know the reader is thinking why are not the old gods as ineffective as the old demons? The reason is they never left. Instead they have only been obscured by the brightness of Jehovah as the Sun's brightness obscures the stars. The old gods have lived on in the unconsciousness of western humanity. Freud's psychology is nothing but an interpatation of Classical mythology. The old gods have been active through out Western history. Western history starts in Egypt. The Eastern god seem to have their origin in ancient Sumer and Akkad. I know Jehovah is a Canninite god, but he was Hellinized, and much of Egyptian and Classical mythology was incorportated into his mythology and interpretation. Our books T.V. , movies, etc., are full of the Classical gods. Examples would include "Wonder Woman" the "Mummy" and so on. Even only a surface knowledge of Western literature and pop culture should provide more than enough evidence. Isis and Mary are ovelapping Egregores. This is why it has been so easy for the old gods to reemerge and offer thier old partnership with humanity. Of course not all of them. If one wants to contact a god of fear, he or she is better off trying to contact Phobos than Sobek. Modern psychology has the name of Phobos already attached to our fears. The trouble with Sobek is that he connected with the crocodile, it would be hard or impossible for a modern person to recreate the feeling that ancient humans had for the crocodile. Phobos is alive and well in Western humanity. We have continued to nourish the old gods that is why they are back to help us and reestablish the old partnership. Unlike Aton and his children the old gods are our partners in holding back the chaos, and do not require servitude, and total submission. So how do the gods banish or keep the demons out? The philosopher Spinoza give us the clue. That only a stronger emotion can replace or push out another emotion. So a stronger Egregore (god) can remove or push out a weaker Egregore (demon). To be strong a god must be fed through ritual and devotion (magic). The old gods have come back to help us and it is time we help them and again become partners in holding back the chaos. I shall finish with a few words about the Egregores Allan and Utopia. Both seem to have well developed demonic aspects. Utopia was supposed to be the god that replaced Jehovah according to our elites, but he has failed. Not only does he not push out the demons, he seems to breed them in left wing terrorist organizations. An example would be Hoggg. Utopia has failed to establish any ritual, or concrete ethic. I do not consider promoting a feeling of equality a concrete ethic. Their are many peaceful and pacifistic Utopians, but there are also a lot of violent ones. Examples would be Hitler and Stalin. Both ruthlessly tried to bring about the perfect society. Utopia'a ethic seems to be "the ends justify the means" since the end is perfect human happiness any act is justified. Allah also seems to breed murderous cults. The ultimate goal for both Utopia and Allah is world domination. Although Allah has avery strict ethic embodying a heirarchical social order and rituals he does not seem to care about the lives of his thralls when they further his objective of world domination. Allah unlike Utopia does push out foreign demons, but in the most brutal way possible with no toleration of any other gods or religions. Allah seems to be a lot like the story of a black Magos that Gurdjieff used to tell. A Magos had a flock of sheep that were always trying to run away, because they knew the Magos used them for food. So the Magos hypnotized the sheep into believing they were banker, bakers, etc., that they were in charge of their society; after that he had no trouble with the sheep running away. Both Allah and Utopia are more than willing to sacrfice any number of followers to achieve their goals. So are Utopia and Allah gods or demons?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fragment 17

In this "Fragment" I shall continue the investigation of Egregores. As I have said before the study of Egregores is still in its infancy. So all my theories, should be considered approaches for further investigation, and not conclusions. The goal is to explicate the nature of Egregores. and their influence on human thinking. When we say that human consciousness has been, transformed, or expanded, what we are saying is that the voices in our heads (Egregores) are telling us different things, than they did before the transformation. There are several examples of this happening in recorded history. The collapse of the Bronze Age, the Greek Enlightenment, and the Renaissance are the most easily recognized examples. So the question must be asked: Is it the same Egregores saying different things, or is it different Egregores saying the different things? The former is the view J. Bohme, and the modern proponent of this position is Professor Steve Barbone of S.D.S.U. The latter view is my view, although I have benefited greatly from my discussions with Professor Barbone. It also must be noted that Bohme was the first person to address this problem. For Bohme there are five Egregores, represented as the first five of his seven "Fountain Spirits" . The first five of the Fountain Spirits maintain the same underlying feeling even if the information on top (abstract thinking) changes. My view is that there are different god involved in human history at different times. That Egregores are living entities that are born and die. Individual humans are like the living cells of an Egregores body. I have examined the physical aspects of Egregores in previous "Fragments" . So now I shall examine two modern demons, I have named: "Vindahl" and "Hoggg". Before we begin I have something to say on Demonology. The study of demons has not made any progress since the Medieval period. This would be like astronomy if it had not moved on from Ptolemy, or philosophy if it had stuck with the same formulations as Thomas Aquinas. I can hear the howl going up. What about the "Clavicles" or the "Goetia"! All the demons in these writings are completely domesticated; they all have rites and sigils connected with them. And besides that most of the old demons are either dead, or sick on life support. They are dead when humans can no longer feel the emotions, and feelings that make up their essence. They are sick when the emotion feeling nexus can only be felt weakly, but good luck to all of those out there that are trying to call Paimon or Pazuzu. We must also make a distinction between Gods and Demons. I have called an Egregore a god when it is beneficial to the life the host. A demon when an Egregore is destructive to the host and the people around the host. I know a lot of gods have demonic aspects. like Allah. As I said there is much progress to be made in the study of Egregores. So now let us proceed to examining the two modern demons. To begin let us start with the easiest Egregore to recognize; Saturn. In much of occult literature Saturn is considered an evil influence, but of course he is not. Saturn is the voice of doubt, and a person's insecurities. Saturn is the voice that most of are always trying to push out of our heads, so how is Saturn beneficial? All the reader has to do is think back to how many times doubt and caution has saved them from doing something stupid or dangerous. This should become more clear as I proceed. The two modern demons I am going to examine are loose in the world with no rites or sigils to control them. In other words they are not domesticated like the old demons in the traditional grimoires. The first modern demon to be examined is Vindahl. Vindahl is the demon that possesses the school shooter. We actually know a lot about Vindahl so it is surprise that he has not been recognized before. It just shows how out of date Demonology is. He was born August 1, 1966 in a bell tower at the University of Texas Austin. Vindahl is a very exclusive demon only the strongest energies summon him; the frustrated energies of young men. Of course Vindahl should never be summoned. Unlike the next demon we shall examine Vindahl does not lie. All he promises is ecstatic release in an orgy of blood-lust.He cannot be summoned twice. The thrall is destroyed after being possessed by Vindahl; either committing suicide, or spending the rest of his life in jail. His mythology is the deeds of his thralls. Which we know all those trying to summon Vindahl study. His theory is all those manifestos that the school shooters are so fond of writing. Many of these manifestos are never made public, and sometimes the media tries to not name the shooter to concentrate instead on the victims. It should be no problem connecting this with the mythology of dangerous, forbidden writings that cause insanity. And the fearful avoidance of pronouncing demon's names. One can imagine what Saturn would have to say about Vindahl. That is why Vindahl is also exclusive in that he does not tolerate any other Egeregores in his thralls. Let us now move to the second demon to be examined; Hoggg. Hoggg is associated with the greater Egregore Utopia. He is the patron demon of the social justice warrior. He feeds off the belief that a perfect society can be created. Of course the mistake made is using the subjective term "perfect" in an objective sense. Utopia is of course of ancient pedigree. but did not come into his own until the decline of Christianity. For Hoggg the ends justify the means, and since the end is perfect happiness in society Hoggg can justify any means. Including genocide torture oppression, etc. Hoggg was the Egregore that possessed Hitler, and every other dictator that has promised a perfect society if you only give him absolute power. Unlike Vindahl, Hoggg will tolerate other Egregores, although he does try to undermine them. Hoggg plays a long game, because there is no real Utopia. That is the hook to get thralls so he can feed off their energies. Hoggg like Vindahl is destructive to the hosts and the people around the host thralls. Also unlike Vindahl, Hoggg constantly lies, there is no ultimate goal. Hoggg is easy to recognize if you know what to look for. It has been noted on social media that many of the S.J.W.s have the same facial expressions and mannerisms of Hitler, that is because they are all thralls of Hoggg. His mythology is the deeds of his followers. His theoretical writings are everywhere from the writings of Marx, Hitler, to the modern activist that believes his or her goal justifies any action taken to bring about the perfect society. Hoggg is insidious, while Vindahl is violent.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fragment 16

I fear in my last "Fragment" I may have left some misconceptions about Egregores. In the way I described the nature spirit or sprite: the Mushroom Hunter. So I shall try to remedy these misconceptions, and add some more information about Egregores. I chose the example of the Mushroom Hunter, because it was simple and straight forward, but I fear the simpleness and straightforwardness may to misconceptions.The misconception I want to dispel is that Egregores function like a logical flow chart. Egregores are not held together by logical connections like Hegel's dialectic, instead they are held together by emotion and desire. The desire to achieve the Egregores aim or goal. As we observe in ourselves there are always other voices (Egregores) in our head that are trying to distract us from the goal. Like I said every Egregore wants to be the homunculus, or at least to have a say on on whatever is happening in an individual agents thinking-activity. This leads us to another difference between Egregores and logical dialectic, in that the same Image can trigger different sigils. Remember sigils are a way to store energy if charged. The color of off-white may trigger other activities besides looking for mushrooms. Let us look at the example of the color "red". When navigating the city streets , the color red means stop. When no a political map it is a counter for political power. On the dress of an attractive woman it is a trigger for sexuality. The same image is a trigger for different sigils; the desire determines the sigil. This is why when walking around without a strong aim the mind is continually wandering. It is the goal that holds an Egregore together. Egregores live off the energy of human emotions;this point cannot stated strongly enough. The last misconception that needs correction is that all Egregores are beneficial to the human agent they possess.This is false , Egregores have their own agenda sometimes there agenda coincides with the aims of the human agent they are possessing. The Islamic jihadi suicide bomber is an example of an Egregore fulfilling its agenda and not benefiting the agent in the least. Over the years this power of Egregores has been described as "sleep", or "hypnosis". These are useful terms, but they miss the point. When an Egregore takes control of an agent and turns him into a suicide bomber, he is a thrall. I prefer the term "enthrallment" to "sleep" "hypnosis" , and thralls to sleepwalkers. The Jihadi suicide bomber is nothing but the thrall of the Egregore Allah. Allah's desire is not the benefit of his thralls, but for Islam to dominate the world. This is why it is so important to be careful what Egregores you let enter your mind. Don't be a thrall. We shall now look deeper into the nature of Egregores. The reader is probably wondering do Egregores exist on the physical plane? Do they have a physical body? The answer is yes.The buildings, writings,and art they have inspired there thralls to build and maintain are the physical body of the Egregore, as well as the bodies of its thralls. The writings are the external memory of an Egregore. The art and architecture are meant to keep the thralls enthralled, so they shall continue to feed the Egregore and to accomplish the goals of the Egregore. As long as there are ruins and writings , an Egregore thought to be dead can suddenly come back to life.If humans can recapture the feeling and purpose of an Egregore. The above discussion holds many secrets to magic and occultism. For this "Fragment" I shall only discuss one of the secrets: Necromancy. There is a difference between Necromancers and Mediums. By Mediums I am not talking about the frauds that are on T.V. Both Mediums and Necromancers can contact Egregores, but the Mediums give up conscious control, in other words they become possessed. The reader may be asking the question why Mediums do not become permanent thralls to an Egregore? As we know some do, the main protection of a Mediums is the Mediums total incompetence to achieve anything on the material and spiritual planes, in simpler terms Mediums are usually useless in accomplishing the Egregores goals. Back to Necromancy. The Necromancer is a person that can bring back to life the fossilized remains of an Egregore to learn its secrets. Writings are nothing but fossilized thoughts; art is fossilized emotions. As can be clearly observed the Necromancer does not enter a passive trance, instead he keeps conscious control. The Necromancer wishes to to evoke the Egregore without becoming a thrall. Great Nephthys is the goddess of Necromancy. Remember Isis had Nephthys help in resurrecting Osiris. Nephthys is the goddess of the death and rebirth experience, in other words the goddess of resurrection. The reader may wonder why after I have warned so much about Egregores that I embrace the goddess Nephthys? Nephthys is a dark goddess because she promotes the growth of the individual and not merging into a One. a Necromancer.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fragment 15

In this "Fragment" I shall continue the investigation of Egregores, and also address two other topics. The extra topics are the nature of time for humans, and an appeal to those of us who know the Great God Set. So let us begin. The study of Egregores is difficult. The reason being is that Egregores do not conform to any of our logical or empirical systems. Therefore cannot be explained by the above systems. We have not yet developed the mental tools to understand Egregores. What is needed is a logic of emotions. Several attempts have been made, the most notable being the Fire and Water wheels of J. Bohme. Bohme got a lot right, and should be studied by any would be Magos. I will discuss the philosophy of Bohme in future "Fragments"'. So to make a start in examining the nature of Egregores we shall use an example. For our example we shall posit a man named Theon hunting for edible mushrooms in a forest. We shall also posit that Theon is an experienced mushroom hunter. To understand any Egregore it is necessary to know its aim or goal. In this example the goal is to find edible mushrooms. Before starting his hunt Theon would most likely do something to invoke the Egregore of the Mushroom Hunter, like look at a book, visualize edible mushrooms in the mind's eye. Back to Theon in the forest. Theon scans the forest floor as he walks slowly through the forest. Looking for some tell tale sign of a stand of mushrooms. Theon spots a color associated with mushrooms. As soon as the color is sighted , a sigil is triggered. causing Theon to move to the colored patch for a closer inspection. The colored patch is indeed mushrooms. This again triggers another sigil, Theon must now determine whether the mushrooms are edible or poisonous. When this is done and the mushrooms are found to be edible the hunt is over, and the Egregore is banished until needed again. So let us examine what has happened in the example. As each sigil is triggered the voice of the Egregore talks to Theon telling him how to proceed. In this example it should be easy to see Egregores are a process of sigils united by a goal. Once the aim has been achieved it is an easy operation to banish the Egregore. This is important; it is hard to banish an Egregore when the aim has not been achieved. That is why unfinished business always nags at us. This is an example of a beneficial Egregore that is limited. In older mythologies the Mushroom Hunter Egregore would be considered a nature spirit. In other writings I have referred to this type of Egregore in other writings a "Standard Minds". (See my " 5 Meditations on Mind" The lessons to be learned from this example is that Egregores are a process composed of sigils that manifest as the familiar voices in our heads. In the above example the Mushroom Hunter Egregore was invoked by the operator and its goal was known, and endorsed. This is not always the case. At this point I shall change topics. As I have often said these are fragments. I decided to include the next two topics from promptings I feel that should not be ignored. As anyone involved in the Great Work knows we never have a full understanding of the process we are gong through. So let us move to time. This section on time contains a great secret of magic, and it should also make clear the physics thought puzzle of "Schrodinger;s Cat". We divide time into three dimensions: past, present, and future.This scheme has some truth to it, but it is in the wrong order, and deceptive terminology. Let us begin with the terminology instead of past, present, and future; let us say determined, collapsing into determination, and undetermined. The past is the determined, the present is the collapsing into determination, and the future is the undetermined. Now we can put the dimensions of time in the proper order. The mind always lives in the future the undermined, this is why it is always predicting, making prognostications. This is commonly called judgement. This is the basis of free will, that we are always choosing our future. It is only when our predictions are mistaken that the mind takes notice of the present, and only to return to the future to try to rectify the mistake. Once an action has collapsed into determination it is the past, which then becomes material for the mind to use in future predictions. A simple example should illustrate, that of crossing a street. When we stand at a curb, we look both ways to judge when it is safe to cross.the crossing is still undetermined. Once across the street the action has been fully determined. In the example would be misjudging the speed or location of an approaching car. As soon as we recognize the mistake the mind returns to the future to try to rectify or mitigate the mistake. This could be done by running across the street of backing up. The parallel to "Schrodinger's cat" should be obvious. Nothing is determined until it affects an entity. there is much to think and meditate on in the above discussion. Magic is a process that works on the future. On to the next topic, for those of us who know the god Set. I am urging Setians not to forget Set's consort Nephthys. I have a special devotion to Nephthys. Which is probably why I was told to write this. Nephthys the blind goddess of the death experience. The death experience should be understood as the shattering of illusion. The death of bondage and illusion. She is blind because she lives beyond light and dark. She is the enemy of the visual bias that dominates the thoughts of humans. To pathwork Nephthys is difficult, because it is best not to use visual imagery. Instead one must imagine or tactualize the imagery. To meet Nephthys imagine the smell of night blooming Jasmine as you enter her grotto, hear the songs of her birds, feel the grotto. Then follow the viola toned voice of the goddess Nephthys. And I have said enough.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Fragment 14

It is time to revisit the topic of Egregores. A topic that has caused me much confusion and vexation. I have had to revise my definition of Egregores, due to some recent unpleasant experiences that clarified my thinking on the subject. I had previously restricted the term "Egregores" to just the three incarnations of god in the Aberhamic religions, but this was to narrow of a definition. As I have said before the hidden god in all three Aberhamic religions is Aten, but due to the different cultures of the three religions the three gods differ. Aten is a mechanical god, that is empty. For Aten to function he needs material, which is the differing cultures to the three religions. That is why the violent Allah is far different than the loving father Jehovah. My new definition of Egregores is the voices we hear in our heads. All the voices. Egregores are the living embodiment of sigils. It is how sigils work. In the last "Fragment" where I discussed sigils, it would be easy to think of them as passive, nothing could be further from the truth. Instead Egregores are active and dynamic, they are the embodiment of a group of connected sigils. Before we examine the nature and composition of Egregores, lit us look at some examples of Egregores at work. In the Middle Eastern tradition it was held that the voices one hears in their heads as the Jinn whispering to the person. the Western tradition warns us that demons are always trying to tempt us by whispering to us. We see voices in the head were supposed to be external agents. One of the most pellucid examples of how Egregores function comes from children's cartoons. The familiar trope of a subject with an angel and demon on opposing shoulders, arguing about a proposed course of action. Now back to nature of Egregores and how they gain power over a person. To understand how Egregores work we must examine the topic of the homunculus. the homunculus is the little man in the head that either approves, or restrains proposed actions. The homunculus is the ruler of the inner world, often referred to as a conscience. The mistake we make is thinking there is only one homunculus. In actuality any of the Egregores can take the throne and become the homunculus. In simple terms any of the voices in your head can take over; to approve or restrain courses of action. We have many examples of this in everyday life. Like when someone says "I don't know what got into me" when I bought this or that, or did something out of character. The reason why we do not understand the thinking behind some action is because it is another Egregore in charge of the inner world. Every Egregore has its own agenda. I am not saying that Egregores are all bad, in fact they are quite useful.They are also the mechanism behind our power of self-reflection. Self-reflection happens when one Egregore critiques another Egregore that live in our inner life. This is the true meaning of Fichte's teaching that we can produce an infinite numbers of I's or egos.Self-reflection should not thought of in an abstract manner in which each ego is a mirror in which we view ourselves, instead each Egregore has an agenda. Egregores are not objective or disinterested self-observers. It must be said all Egregores are not equal. They vary in power and development. Egregores are made of sigils (Image-Triggers). As I said sigils should not be thought of as passive, instead they are active and dynamic when charged.One of the aims of all Egregores is to make sure that the sigils in which it is composed stay charged. As we shall see Egregores feed on human emotions, this is how the sigils are charged. The more emotion one feeds to the sigils that compose and Egregore the more powerful the Egregore becomes, and it is only powerful Egregores that can become the homunculus. The rest are just faint whispers in the arguments that go on in our head. To keep an Egregore alive it must be fed. this is why all ideological movements whether religious or political have rallies, literature,meetings, etc. To give an Egregore the power to become the homunculus. Control the voices in a person's head is to control the person. All ideological movements are always preaching to the choir to reinforce the Egregore of the movement. In politics this is called: "giving the base red meat" to get the base excited. This is an effective way to feed the Egregore. Even the faintest voice has a chance to become the homunculus if fed. This is why ideological movements start by trying to cause doubt in a person. This is to get the Egregore in a person's head however faint. The new Egregore gets in by criticizing more established Egregores. Again the voice gets established in the mind. This is also why all ideological movements want to get a hold on children. The sigils that are projected on a person in childhood are the hardest to banish. Another trick of Egregores is to try to connect themselves to with an existing sigil. This can clearly be observed in advertising and political campaigns.Television commercials always use a familiar setting. They try to connect a brand name with activity. Like laundry soap commercials feature kids with dirt stained clothing. In political campaigns this is called kitchen table issues. More on Egregores next Fragment. a Necromancer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fragment 13

It is now time to address thought worlds and magic. The purpose of White magic (R.H.P.) is to bind everyone together into one thought world. Let us take a brief look at how thought worlds control people to their detriment. Everyone who has read Gurdjieff's "Meetings with Remarkable Men" knows the story about the young Yezidi boy who could not escape from the circle drawn in sand around him.It is not that the boy could not physically step our of the circle in the sand. It was the work of a sigil. That Yezidis should never break a circle, because of its importance to the Yezidi belief system. A similar example would be all the Christian missionaries that have been killed in the Middle East because they would not step on a Cross.These are extreme examples, but they illustrate how sigils control people even to their own destruction. I will now turn to Dee and Kelly's Enochian system of magic. A system of magic that has been badly misunderstood. According to most occult writers it is a way to approach the One (the Absolute). To merge with the divine, but this is wrong.The Enochian system is a deprogramming agent. It brings to consciousness the sigils that compose a thought world. In other words it sublates the sigils. So the Magos can decide if he wants to control, or try to remove the sigil. Of course, some sigils cannot be removed. Donald Tyson in his excellent book "Serpent Wisdom" makes the keen observation that the unexpressed or hidden key is the primordial Mother.Trying to free oneself from the control and influence of the Mother is one of the most difficult tasks in magic. For those interested in the subject C.G. Jung has much to say about the "terrible Mother' Even if the operator cannot banish the sigil of the Mother, he can learn to control it. Tyson overlooked one hidden key even though it is in plain sight. That is the whole system of the watchtowers is a key, the whole system is a key. The key to dissolving thought worlds, a way to free oneself from societies sigils. This is the purpose of Enochian magic. That is why Tyson and others remark about the Apocalyptic nature of the system. Its purpose is not to bring about the destruction of the physical world, but to dissolve the prison thought worlds we find ourselves in. Let us now go back to Gurdjieff and his cartoonish system of magic for another example. The example would be his Ray of Creation. At first sight it seems a caricature of the Great Chain of Being that dominates so much of western occultism and philosophy. The interesting part os the how it ascribes laws to each link. Gurdjieff makes the claim that the Earth is under 48 laws, the Moon under 96 laws. The further one gets away from the Creator the law bound and thus the more mechanical life is. It seems both Gurdjieff and his followers misunderstood this teaching. This also give credence to Gurdjieff's the statement that he stole the system, asystem he did not understand. Gurdjieff and his followers interpret this as physical laws. According to his teaching the awakened man is not subject to all the physical laws that the rest of us are under. In simpler terms the awakened person would not be subject to accidents. This is why Gurdjieff's car accident shook the faith of Ouspensky so much. The real meaning is of course, that the awakened person is conscious of the sigils that other have projected on him; to control him. And has the choice of to banish those that can be banished, and control those that cannot be removed. It has nothing to do with physical laws. a Necromancer