Monday, March 26, 2018

Fragment: 4

As tempting as it is to continue to explore the mythology of Aten, if we are to understand how the mythology was created, and how to bind Aten and end his reign, we must examine the nature of Aten. To do this we must go back to Classical Greece in around 500 B.C., the time of the PreSocratics. The first thinker that I shall examine is Xenophanes of Colophon, who is said to be the founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy. Xenophanes is credited with being a great traveler. It is said he travel traveled the Greek world for 67 years. He knows the Ethiopians, he mentions them in his writings. Although there is no direct evidence that he ever came into contact with any Cult of Aten. I do not believe the Cult of Aten died with Akhenaten. Xenophanes teachings bear a striking resemblance to Akhenaten. So let us turn to the teachings of Xenophanes. Xenophanes ridiculed the idea of anthropomorphic gods, and the idea that there are many gods. Here we find the reference to the Ethiopians, that their gods have snub noses like the Ethiopians, while the gods of Thrace look like the Greeks. Xenophanes rejects polytheism in favor of one god. A god that is eternal, is not subject to birth, death, or change. That dwells outside of time. A god that comprehends all the things and moves all things, yet remains unchanged. A god that has no human passions, and is represented as spherical. There should be no problem seeing the resemblances to Akhenaten's teachings. No matter what name, or disguise the god of monotheism adopts, it is always Aten. The secret name of Yahweh, Allah, or the One is Aten. If we are to bind Aten and break his control this is an important first step. Xenophanes also has a dualism in the world of change, that of wet and dry. I must now move on to the central and most important figure of the Eleatic school, and one of the most important thinkers in the whole history of philosophy: Parmenides. It is in the philosophy of Parmenides that we shall begin to understand the nature or the essence of Aten, or as Parmenides calls him "the One".Parmenides most important contribution to world thought is the law of non-contradiction. When I say contribution I mean Parmenides was the first person to make the doctrine explicit. People use ideas long before they can explain or or express them in an abstract formula. So Parmenides is the first person to articulate the law of non-contradiction, and make explicit some of the laws implications. It is easy to observe how the law of non-contradiction is already implicit in both the teachings of Akhenaten, and Xenophanes. The articulation Parmenides comes up with is important and instructive to understanding the nature or essence of Aten. Parmenides uses a disjunctive syllogism to articulate the law of non-contradiction. That there is either something or nothing. There is not nothing, thus there is something. This something is the One (Aten). The One has a spherical shape, is eternal, and unchangeable. It is the ultimate reality behind appearances, and is identified with pure thought. It is time to introduce the Wheeler Principle. It was first formulated by Professor Mark Wheeler of S.D.SU. I was fortunate to be in his philosophy class when he first formulated it. the Wheeler principle states: that if you make the law of non-contradiction the centerpiece of your epistemology, you shall end with a One in your metaphysics. In simpler terms the law of non-contradiction always ends with a One if followed out to its logical conclusion. Admittedly there are different incarnations of the One, but the are all Aten. Before returning to Parmenides it is instructive to take a diversion to examine the different Ones that can be reached through the use of the law. There is what I call the Parmenidian One, which is a passive One. This is reached by continually eliminating things as illusion. The particulars of everyday life illusions that once we are freed from by the law of non-contradiction reveal the One, which is the bases and only reality. The next One I call the Empedoclean One for its inventor Empedocles. The Empedoclean One gets rid of the problem of the many (everyday particulars) by That the One is a process. The One has a cyclic historyof going from a solid fused sphere to and articulated sphere where the four classical elements of Western philosophy: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth; are separated into levels existing in the sphere. The Holy Mind (objective view) is only present when the One is solid. The third incarnation of the One is the active One. This is the most common incarnation of the One in history. I call this the Plotinian One after Plotinus. This is the One that emanates both the mental and material cosmos. This is also the One of most monotheistic religions. In this incarnation particulars are not illusions, but only partial manifestations of the One. Back to Parmenides. The One (Aten) is eternal, unchangeable, the ultimate reality behind appearances. The illusion of the many is dispelled, the One is the metaphysical substratum of everything. It is identified with pure abstract thought. Again like Akhenaten, Parmenides divides appearances into light and night. As we have observed and shall observe Aten always creates a dualism, this is a necessary part of his nature, that cannot not be done away with; dualism is an intrinsic part of Aten's nature in how he functions. That is enough for this Fragment. a Necromancer

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Fragment: 3

When I finished "Fragment: 2" I thought I was finished with Akhenaten, and the original Cult of Aten, but I was wrong. I have more to say about Akhenaten and Atenism. So let us go back to the original Cult of Aten. Aten is depicted as a disc or orb. Aten is never represented as a humanoid figure or animal as the other Egyptian gods. The reason for this is because Aten is beyond creation, thus cannot be represented by created things, The Sun symbol is just a symbol. All this hould sound familiar, both the disc or sphere as a symbol, and not having images of the living god, as Akhenaten referred to Aten. I will get to why Aten is called the living god in another "Fragment". This symbol of a sphere is going to be a constant in the various religions of Aten. Remember I am referring to all monotheistic religions as various sects of Aten. No matter how the they prefer to name Aten, whether they name him, Allah, Yahweh, Brahman, or simply the One: they are all Aten, as we shall see. Even those who claim to be atheists have Aten as their god, a good example is the recently deceased physicist S. Hawking. Hawking conception of the ultimate reality (a no boundary universe) was a One. It is also interesting to note that Hawking was always one of the the most P.C. of scientists, always endorsing the progressive agenda (R.H.P.). Hawking was definitely a believer in the One (Aten). Another aspect of the mythology of Aten that shall concern us is the conception of life after death in a perfect City. A city of the Sun, as Akhenaten puts it. Atenism is always Utopian either in this life or the next life. In a myth that predated Akhenaten about Aten is becoming one with the One. Aten was around before Akhenaten, but just as an aspect of Ra. Monotheism is always Utopian, that perfection can be reached in this life or the next. I shall have much more to say on this topic in future :Fragments" since Atenism is the source and support of the R.H.P. I now move to the dualism that is in all monotheistic religion (Atenism). Dualism is the contradiction in all monotheism. Akhenaten taught that all creation is divided into day and night. Night is the time to to be afraid. Aten is a represented as a solar deity. The imagery of this in all monotheistic religions is so overwhelming that I shall give no examples. Anyone who is interested can look in the myths of Christianity and Islam if they are unconvinced, even the most cursory examination should suffice. Dualism plays itself out in all the cults of Aten, no matter what they call themselves. I shall discuss this in future "Fragments" and where and how Aten still exists. We live in the reign of Aten, and it is time for it to end. a Necromancer

Monday, March 12, 2018

Fragment: 2

We live in a world paradigm created by the R.H.P. The adherents of the R.H.P. have successfully imposed their paradigm on the consciousness of humankind. So it seems fitting that I should spend some time examining the origins, history, and the metaphysical foundations of the R.H.P. paradigm. We who follow the L.H.P. must understand the strengths and weaknesses of the R.H.P. , so we can eventually replace the R.H.P. paradigm with an L.H.P. paradigm. The most basic metaphysical foundational concept of the R.H.P. paradigm is monotheism. As we shall see even those that claim to be atheists in modern society such as Dawkins, Dennett, etc.; are in fact all monotheists. So let us go back into history to the origins of monotheism to start our examination. We find ourselves in ancient Egypt around the year 1350 B.C.E., the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten is histories first monotheist, and like all monotheists he tried to impose the worship of his one god Aten on his culture. From hereafter I will always refer to the monotheist god as "Aten" no matter what else he is called: Allah, Yahweh, the One,etc. It must be said that the triumph of the traditional Cults of the polytheistic gods after Akhenaten's death is one of the only times that polytheism won in a contest with monotheism. Without going into a detailed account of Akhenaten's reign I shall offer some observations on the characteristics found in monotheism up to the present day. There can be no question that Akhenaten was trying to effect a transformation of society; the worship of Aten was not a purely intellectual experiment. Akhenaten may have been the first S.J.W. (social justice warrior) in history. Humans had not reached the level of abstraction where they could devorce their intellectual beliefs from practice. We know Akhenaten was trying, or did build a city for the worship of Aten. It seems most likely this was the first Utopian experiment in history. To bring humankind under one god. Akhenaten wanted to unify everyone under the rule of Aten. He wanted to get rid of the traditional Cults of Egypt to replace them with the Cult of Aten, with himself as the Son of Aten. Akhenaten did this first by proclaiming Aten the supreme god, to be quickly followed by Aten as the only god. This is of course the dream of the progressive S.J.W. to crush all diversity opinion in favor of their singular truth. It should no problem seeing the origin of collectivism in monotheism. The eternal dream of the monotheist. The emphasis on conformity, and equality, over excellence. The very same urge possess that of today's S.J.W. COLLECTIVIST. The essence of the R.H.P. Another clue to this can be found in the art at the time of Akhenaten. Akhenaten and his family are depicted in a naturalist style at work and play, doing ordinary things, instead of the divine dignity of traditional Egyptian art depicting the Pharaohs and their families.There is no question in my mind Akhenaten was a leveler. He wanted to suppress the privileges of the traditional cults. And again, like the modern progressive S.J.W. he tried to accomplish this by directing the money from the polytheistic cults to the cult of Aten (government). Everyone is owned by the government as the modern progressive expresses his conviction. The government becomes the universal religion that controls everyone's life and thought. We also notice in the depictions of Akhenaten a highly stylized depiction giving him a androgynous appearance. Akhenaten saw himself as both Father, and Mother to his people. Again the leveling or collapsing everyone into a single gender. Here we again see everything including gender must be blurred into a One. Before leaving Akhenaten we must make mention Sigmund Freud and his book: "Moses and Monotheism" where Freud expresses a theory that the original Jews of the Exodus from Egypt were actually adherents of Aten. That were driven out when the traditional cults of Egypt regained power after Akhenaten's death. That the Jews are actually refugees from Egypt the remnants of the Aten cult. That the Aten cult became the Jewish tribes that we know from the Bible and history. Freud's theory has not met with much approval among historians. For my own part I am inclined to side with Freud's theory, or at least that the Cult of Aten escaped Egypt and continued to have a deep influence after Akhenaten's death. Here we have the birth of collectivism, the R.H.P. paradigm that is still alive and well today. Next Fragment I shall continue to examining the history and development of the Cult of Aten the R.H.P. a Necromancer

Monday, March 5, 2018

Fragment: 1

I am an old broken down Necromancer, and have decided to do something I never thought I would. I have decided it is time for me to pass down what I have learned in the theory, and practice of Black Magic. This Fragment is intended to be an introduction of some of the material we shall cover. So we shall start by explaining some terms in the title of the blog. The reason the term "Fragments is used, is because it Black Magic can never be a complete system. It must be fragmented because it must be personalized for both the operator and the times she or he lives in. That is the reason the term "Fragments" was used instead of "lessons". I can only hope each reader shall take what they can use, and feel free to build or modify what I have said to their own needs. There can never be a Lodge, or Order to teach Black Magic, each operator must become her or his own mentor. The term "Black Magic" refers to a approach to magic much like Chaos Magic, or Quabbbalistic Magic. the difference is Black Magic has no system of worked out rituals, and Black Magic is exclusively L.H.P. ( left hand path) discipline, it has no place in R.H.P. (right hand path) theory or practice. The essence of Black Magic is to use the so called negative emotions (hate, fear, etc.) to destroy the unconscious programing that keeps us slaves. The goal of Black Magic is to achieve the Horrific vision, instead of the Beatific vision. In simpler terms, the goal of Black Magic is to go to the darkest deepest pit of Hell so the operator can crawl out the bottom and escape, much like what Dante describes in the "Inferno" . That the way to escape Hell is by going all the way through. Trying to crawl up and out of the abyss is a mistake many L.H.P. thinkers have made. An example would be Nietzsche and his imagery of trying to crawl up and out of the abyss, even though he Nietzsche knew it was impossible to crawl up and out. The only way out is through the bottom. The Black Magos must greet each demon as a friend. An example would be it the operator has trouble with anger to try to understand and claim the anger as her or his own. They summon a demon of anger to understand how anger has controller her or his life. Not by binding the demon, but by making the demon their own, and taking control of the triggers that summon the demon of anger. This is the briefest of sketch of some of the territory I shall attempt to cover. a Necromancer