Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Fragment 47

Due to unfortunate circumstances that have gone on longer than I thought they would, I have been unable to write. Thus, no "Fragments" recently. The main reason I was unable to write is because I had to put my library in storage. I do have access to the Public Library, and the internet, but it is not the same. In the time I have had without my library; I have been watching "You Tube" videos, and reading some "True Crime" books. The "YouTube" videos have included many by and about Iain McGilchrist, and his split brain theories. I have never had an interest in true crime. It was my psychologist that suggested the genre to me. It turned out for the best. While I was reading true crime books, I started to read about serial killers. I soon realized that serial killers are a microcosm of the problems with compartmentalized thinking. The serial killers that most interested me were Ted Bundy (The Ted killer), Dennis Rader (the B.T.K. killer), and Gary Ridgeway (the Green river killer). I like to give credit where credit is due. So here are some of the books I found useful: Paul Holes "Unmasked" S. Singular "Unholy Messenger" Ann Rule "The Stranger Beside Me" and "Green River Running Red". I want to make a note on Ann Rule. Her book "The Stranger Beside Me" is her masterpiece, and well worth reading. Besides giving us an illuminating portrait of Ted Bundy, it also should be read by "Would be" writers. It details the work Rule put into becoming a well known writer. All the pulps she started writing for and how she eventually got into the slick magazines, until finally reaching success with her book about Ted Bundy. It also shows her integrity, something every writer should have. She never burned a source, she never lied to Police or the killers and criminals she wrote about. So in this "Fragment" I shall explore some of the insights that the study of serial killers and split brain psychology has given me. I shall also mention some topics that may become future "Fragments". So let us begin. In some ways I agree with McGilchrist and in some way I do not. I agree with much of his diagnosis of our society, but have reservations about his prescriptions on how to heal society. To begin we shall examine serial killers to observe they are in many ways the "Canary in the Coal Mine" of what is wrong with modern society, and our thinking. The first characteristic that impresses one about serial killers is that they are great at compartmentalized thinking. They can go on brutal killing sprees, and then go back to a normal life. Having families and normal jobs. Compartmentalized thinking is, of course, the left brain that controls rational thought. Yes, rational thinking is not enough to insure morality, but more on this point later. I was naive about this, thinking that anyone capable of such violence would stand out. Which is not the case. Dennis Rader (who I found the most fascinating of the serial killers I studied) had a steady job, a stable home life, was President of his congregation at church, and held some low level municipal office. In simple terms: Rader was a pillar of the community. Gary Ridgeway had a stable family life and held the same job for decades. He was considered a model employee. Ted Bundy was the celebrity serial killer, he was as much a part of the seventies and eighties as John Travolta, Eddie Murphy, and Harrison Ford. He was good looking, highly intelligent and the easy cocksure arrogance of the age. LIke Charles Manson was part of the sixties and the hippie movement, and Bonnie and Clyde was the depression era, so was Ted Bundy was an exemplar of the eighties. His flamboyant behavior in court was as much a part of the eighties as MTV. Bundy when he was free was also a high functioning member of society. He worked on political campaigns, has a high grade point average in College, and also worked at a suicide hot lime. The suicide hot line is where Ann Rule met him. She says he was patient and understanding on the phone to the troubled callers. As one can observe Rader, Ridgeway, and Bundy were all very different people, leading very different lives. Bundy had a high I.Q., Ridgeway was low normal. There was nothing about Ridgeway that would remind anyone of Bundy. Ridgeway had the same job for decades painting Kenworth trucks. Found his dates at "Parents without Partners'. Ridgeway screams average guy, as Bundy screams 80s celebrity. Yet, they all had some things in common: they were all experts at compartmentalized thinking and serial killers. Notice how high functioning in society they were, they were all higher functioning than most occultists I know. The answer is compartmentalized thinking, the mentally ill fit well into a society that is mentally ill. Our society and thinking are controlled by compartmentalized thinking and the left brain. Serial killers resemble in many ways our demented insane ruling class. As I said before, serial killers are the canary in the coal mine. They tell us something has gone radically wrong with our society. We know that the left brain or compartmentalized thinking tries to deny the reality of magickal thinking or right brain thinking. Denying reality is a characteristic of left brain thinking. The left brain is absurdly optimistic, and it also suffers from Narcissism. All characteristics of our worthless, corrupt media, and our leaders. Let us move to some examples. The modern day journalist-activist acts like that only the stories they report on really happened. There is no problem finding examples. The Hunter Biden laptop and Russiagate are two wonderful examples of this. Even when the stories are proven true, the news media never acknowledges its mistakes or apologizes for their errors. The Journalism awards given reporting on Russian interference in the 2016 election were never given back or recalled because they were wrong. Like Serial killers our worthless, corrupt news media makes absurd excuses, and blame other people for their failings. This is all typical of compartmentalized thinking. This is why serial killers can go from brutal assaults back to ordinary life without trouble with no problem. Serial killers can put all their rage into a box when they are at their jobs or with their families. Dennis Rader would even give up carefully planned attacks to get back before his wife worried about him. In the recent murders in Moscow Idaho the killer went to class after his attack on the students. This is also why our leaders can implement dangerous policies and then act like nothing's wrong. In a previous "Fragment" I discussed E.S.G. E.S.G. caused the collapse and pain in Sri Lanka. Like serial killers the people that brought about the collapse felt no guilt or remorse, in fact they still feel like they are the good people that are trying to save the planet, even if they have to starve many many people to death. In a similar fashion Ridgeway felt he was performing a public service in getting prostitutes off the street. It is the right brain or magickal thinking that ties everything together. Compartmentalized thinking allows one to distance themselves from their crimes whether it is killing prostitutes or starving a population. Like I said, serial killers and our leaders share a mind set. They are narcissistic, and masters of compartmentalized thinking. Serial killers are weak, they are pursued by law enforcement and get called out by the media. Our leaders are strong, there is no one to police them, and the media covers for them. As I said serial killers are a microcosm to the ruling class they both share the same thinking. Let us look at another topic to illustrate my thesis. In a previous "Fragment" I did a review of Lenord Shlain's book: "The Goddess versus the Alphabet" . In the book Shlain examines the animus that compartmentalized thinking has against women. He examines the Witch Hunters of the Medieval times and Renaissance. I have also been doing some study of the Witch Hunters and may write a future "Fragment" on them. Anyways, to the point. Compartmentalized thinking does not like femininity. The Witch Hunters would have been fine with not hurting or killing women if they could have removed the femininity from women. Compartmentalized thinking prefers machines or non living things to living things. This can be observed in all the killers I mentioned above. Ann Rule talks about how Bundy had better relationships with things (cars, equipment, etc.) than people. Women are the life bearers, the creators of new life, so of course, compartmentalized thinking does not like them. Modern Feminism and the Trans rights movements are extensions of this. The same people that want to transition children are the same type to people that became Witch Hunters. I have learned that the vast majority of teenage transitioners are girls. I have heard up to 70%.are young women. What a perfect way to remove the feminine from women. Again we see compartmentalized thinking at work. The trans rights activists have shut away in a box all the negative effects of transitioning. That one has taken a healthy teenage girl and made her dependent on drugs for the rest of their lives. Not to mention that they lose fertility and have their genitals mutilated. I remember in the not too distant past that feminists had rallies and fought against genital mutilation. A lot of feminism is about taking the feminine out of women. Modern feminism wants women to act like men. Telling them not to have families or children. There are too many examples for me to list. I am sure the reader can find them with no problem. One more example of the connection between serial killers and our ruling and chattering classes. As I said serial killers can put their rage in a box only to release when the tension becomes unbearable. Of course, serial killers vent their rage by murdering people, mostly women. Our elites do the same thing. The easiest example of this is the George Floyd riots. The Establishment class was mad about the election of the 45th president, so they vented their rage on helpless people, just like Ridgeway and Bundy took out their rage on an innocent and largely helpless population. They approached just like a serial killer plans an attack. They had everything set up; they only needed an opportunity. That opportunity came in the arrest and death of George Floyd. It was all a manipulation. The press blew up the story making sure it would go national. The Progressive Governors, and Mayors pulled back the police so the rioters could have a free hand. They even set up a bail fund to get violent protestors back on the streets quickly. The 2020 riots were the elites venting their rage on the population. One may have noticed that there has been no congressional investigation or a media investigation on the victims of the riots. I know two people that were harmed during the riots. The Police Officer that got shot in the back of the head in Las Vegas while directing traffic. This led to a 29 yr. old man becoming a paraplegic. The other person was a friend in San Diego that got thrown into oncoming traffic by B.L.M protestors, again he had his back to them so it was not provoked. Why were people getting shot and being physically assaulted so far away from Minnesota? The reason is of course the press was all in on the plan, they did not care who got hurt. As a matter of record, they acted just like a serial killer when called out. The excuse that it was mostly peaceful and that it was a good thing that happened. This is just like Ridgeway telling the police that he was doing a service by getting rid of prostitutes, or all of Bundy's excuses. The Ukraine war is another example which I will not go into, of the elites venting their rage. I started this "Fragment" with a medical analogy so I shall continue with another medical analogy. That of side effects of drugs. There really are no side effects to drugs, all effects are direct effects. What are called "side effects" are the unwanted effects of a drug. The trouble with calling them "side effects' is it gives the impression that these are secondary effects of the drug that can easily be mitigated. And this is not true, all effects are direct effects of the drug. So let us take another example from the ruling class. That of social engineering. The term "Social engineering" is another misleading term. It gives the impression of precision. There is no precision in social engineering. It is just experimenting on people. The bad effects of social engineering are all direct effects, there are no side effects that can be easily mitigated. Let me use an example to illustrate. I shall start with two perspectives I have heard from very smart African-Americans. The first one was a lady who is involved with economics and its effect on Black families. She was talking about how Black families have very low human capital. This would be when an older relative loans a young couple money to buy a house, and then they work like hell to pay it off. The trouble with many Black families is there are no wealthy relatives to help a young couple. This is of course all true, but why is it true? The second perspective was from an old Black Minister. He told me that the Black community withstood slavery, the Civil War, reconstruction and Jim Crow. but could not stand against two Columbia professors. He was of course referring to Cloward and Piven. They are the ones that came up with the strategy to destroy the Black family. The Left has long wanted to radicalize Blacks. They fit the criteria the Left loves: fragile , vulnerable community. The left loves vulnerable populations. Just like in the Trans-rights movement they have picked teenagers who are still searching for a sense of self. The method they used to destroy black families was to separate the father from the wife and children. They did this through welfare benefits. Destroying the Black family has long and still is a goal of the left. When B.L.M. They used to have a statement of their goals and beliefs, which has since been taken down. One of the statements was to destroy the nuclear family. I know a lot of people want to say this just means accepting non-traditional families but that is not the real purpose. They have said what they mean; they want to destroy your family. Anyone who wants to destroy your family is not your friend and does not have your best interests at heart. For those who want further information on this subject should read Manning Johnson's book: "Color, Communism, and Common Sense". This is all typical of left brain thinking, the desire for everything to be mechanical. Compartmentalized thinking is how all this happened. Communities are not thought of as living breathing individuals who have something in common. Instead they are thought of as abstractions to be used and experimented on. This is also why all Utopians want perfect conformity in thought and doctrine. They want to deal with humans as if they were machines. So let us conclude with some final thoughts. The effects of compartmentalized thinking should be obvious. This is why our leaders and serial killers have so much in common. They have both become experts in compartmentalized thinking. The difference between serial killers and the ruling class is that serial killers are weak; while our ruling class is strong. There is no police to answer to, we have a worthless, corrupt media that covers for them. It is all mass manipulation. In this "Fragment" I have only looked at one side of this. In a future "Fragment" I shall look at the same issues from an occult point of view. One final topic to deal with: what is the prescription? As I said, I do not agree with McGilchrists prescription to the problem. McGilchrist believes that all we have to do is make people aware of what is happening. This fallacy goes back to the Classical Greeks idea: That if you show men the good, they shall follow it. This fallacy seems to stick around no matter how many times it fails in practice, but then again, education has always been a great hope to Utopians. This is a case where we do not want to recognize the truth. My prescription is occult practice. Why the occult and not some religion? In this age many of the traditional ways to experience the divine are closed. The right hand path is too corrupted, its way to the divine is closed to us. When I say practice I mean sustained practice. Do the rituals so many times that the ritual seems to be doing you, meditate, and self-remember every day. Our leaders are insane and dangerous.