Monday, March 12, 2018

Fragment: 2

We live in a world paradigm created by the R.H.P. The adherents of the R.H.P. have successfully imposed their paradigm on the consciousness of humankind. So it seems fitting that I should spend some time examining the origins, history, and the metaphysical foundations of the R.H.P. paradigm. We who follow the L.H.P. must understand the strengths and weaknesses of the R.H.P. , so we can eventually replace the R.H.P. paradigm with an L.H.P. paradigm. The most basic metaphysical foundational concept of the R.H.P. paradigm is monotheism. As we shall see even those that claim to be atheists in modern society such as Dawkins, Dennett, etc.; are in fact all monotheists. So let us go back into history to the origins of monotheism to start our examination. We find ourselves in ancient Egypt around the year 1350 B.C.E., the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. Akhenaten is histories first monotheist, and like all monotheists he tried to impose the worship of his one god Aten on his culture. From hereafter I will always refer to the monotheist god as "Aten" no matter what else he is called: Allah, Yahweh, the One,etc. It must be said that the triumph of the traditional Cults of the polytheistic gods after Akhenaten's death is one of the only times that polytheism won in a contest with monotheism. Without going into a detailed account of Akhenaten's reign I shall offer some observations on the characteristics found in monotheism up to the present day. There can be no question that Akhenaten was trying to effect a transformation of society; the worship of Aten was not a purely intellectual experiment. Akhenaten may have been the first S.J.W. (social justice warrior) in history. Humans had not reached the level of abstraction where they could devorce their intellectual beliefs from practice. We know Akhenaten was trying, or did build a city for the worship of Aten. It seems most likely this was the first Utopian experiment in history. To bring humankind under one god. Akhenaten wanted to unify everyone under the rule of Aten. He wanted to get rid of the traditional Cults of Egypt to replace them with the Cult of Aten, with himself as the Son of Aten. Akhenaten did this first by proclaiming Aten the supreme god, to be quickly followed by Aten as the only god. This is of course the dream of the progressive S.J.W. to crush all diversity opinion in favor of their singular truth. It should no problem seeing the origin of collectivism in monotheism. The eternal dream of the monotheist. The emphasis on conformity, and equality, over excellence. The very same urge possess that of today's S.J.W. COLLECTIVIST. The essence of the R.H.P. Another clue to this can be found in the art at the time of Akhenaten. Akhenaten and his family are depicted in a naturalist style at work and play, doing ordinary things, instead of the divine dignity of traditional Egyptian art depicting the Pharaohs and their families.There is no question in my mind Akhenaten was a leveler. He wanted to suppress the privileges of the traditional cults. And again, like the modern progressive S.J.W. he tried to accomplish this by directing the money from the polytheistic cults to the cult of Aten (government). Everyone is owned by the government as the modern progressive expresses his conviction. The government becomes the universal religion that controls everyone's life and thought. We also notice in the depictions of Akhenaten a highly stylized depiction giving him a androgynous appearance. Akhenaten saw himself as both Father, and Mother to his people. Again the leveling or collapsing everyone into a single gender. Here we again see everything including gender must be blurred into a One. Before leaving Akhenaten we must make mention Sigmund Freud and his book: "Moses and Monotheism" where Freud expresses a theory that the original Jews of the Exodus from Egypt were actually adherents of Aten. That were driven out when the traditional cults of Egypt regained power after Akhenaten's death. That the Jews are actually refugees from Egypt the remnants of the Aten cult. That the Aten cult became the Jewish tribes that we know from the Bible and history. Freud's theory has not met with much approval among historians. For my own part I am inclined to side with Freud's theory, or at least that the Cult of Aten escaped Egypt and continued to have a deep influence after Akhenaten's death. Here we have the birth of collectivism, the R.H.P. paradigm that is still alive and well today. Next Fragment I shall continue to examining the history and development of the Cult of Aten the R.H.P. a Necromancer

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