Monday, October 21, 2019

Fragment 17

In this "Fragment" I shall continue the investigation of Egregores. As I have said before the study of Egregores is still in its infancy. So all my theories, should be considered approaches for further investigation, and not conclusions. The goal is to explicate the nature of Egregores. and their influence on human thinking. When we say that human consciousness has been, transformed, or expanded, what we are saying is that the voices in our heads (Egregores) are telling us different things, than they did before the transformation. There are several examples of this happening in recorded history. The collapse of the Bronze Age, the Greek Enlightenment, and the Renaissance are the most easily recognized examples. So the question must be asked: Is it the same Egregores saying different things, or is it different Egregores saying the different things? The former is the view J. Bohme, and the modern proponent of this position is Professor Steve Barbone of S.D.S.U. The latter view is my view, although I have benefited greatly from my discussions with Professor Barbone. It also must be noted that Bohme was the first person to address this problem. For Bohme there are five Egregores, represented as the first five of his seven "Fountain Spirits" . The first five of the Fountain Spirits maintain the same underlying feeling even if the information on top (abstract thinking) changes. My view is that there are different god involved in human history at different times. That Egregores are living entities that are born and die. Individual humans are like the living cells of an Egregores body. I have examined the physical aspects of Egregores in previous "Fragments" . So now I shall examine two modern demons, I have named: "Vindahl" and "Hoggg". Before we begin I have something to say on Demonology. The study of demons has not made any progress since the Medieval period. This would be like astronomy if it had not moved on from Ptolemy, or philosophy if it had stuck with the same formulations as Thomas Aquinas. I can hear the howl going up. What about the "Clavicles" or the "Goetia"! All the demons in these writings are completely domesticated; they all have rites and sigils connected with them. And besides that most of the old demons are either dead, or sick on life support. They are dead when humans can no longer feel the emotions, and feelings that make up their essence. They are sick when the emotion feeling nexus can only be felt weakly, but good luck to all of those out there that are trying to call Paimon or Pazuzu. We must also make a distinction between Gods and Demons. I have called an Egregore a god when it is beneficial to the life the host. A demon when an Egregore is destructive to the host and the people around the host. I know a lot of gods have demonic aspects. like Allah. As I said there is much progress to be made in the study of Egregores. So now let us proceed to examining the two modern demons. To begin let us start with the easiest Egregore to recognize; Saturn. In much of occult literature Saturn is considered an evil influence, but of course he is not. Saturn is the voice of doubt, and a person's insecurities. Saturn is the voice that most of are always trying to push out of our heads, so how is Saturn beneficial? All the reader has to do is think back to how many times doubt and caution has saved them from doing something stupid or dangerous. This should become more clear as I proceed. The two modern demons I am going to examine are loose in the world with no rites or sigils to control them. In other words they are not domesticated like the old demons in the traditional grimoires. The first modern demon to be examined is Vindahl. Vindahl is the demon that possesses the school shooter. We actually know a lot about Vindahl so it is surprise that he has not been recognized before. It just shows how out of date Demonology is. He was born August 1, 1966 in a bell tower at the University of Texas Austin. Vindahl is a very exclusive demon only the strongest energies summon him; the frustrated energies of young men. Of course Vindahl should never be summoned. Unlike the next demon we shall examine Vindahl does not lie. All he promises is ecstatic release in an orgy of blood-lust.He cannot be summoned twice. The thrall is destroyed after being possessed by Vindahl; either committing suicide, or spending the rest of his life in jail. His mythology is the deeds of his thralls. Which we know all those trying to summon Vindahl study. His theory is all those manifestos that the school shooters are so fond of writing. Many of these manifestos are never made public, and sometimes the media tries to not name the shooter to concentrate instead on the victims. It should be no problem connecting this with the mythology of dangerous, forbidden writings that cause insanity. And the fearful avoidance of pronouncing demon's names. One can imagine what Saturn would have to say about Vindahl. That is why Vindahl is also exclusive in that he does not tolerate any other Egeregores in his thralls. Let us now move to the second demon to be examined; Hoggg. Hoggg is associated with the greater Egregore Utopia. He is the patron demon of the social justice warrior. He feeds off the belief that a perfect society can be created. Of course the mistake made is using the subjective term "perfect" in an objective sense. Utopia is of course of ancient pedigree. but did not come into his own until the decline of Christianity. For Hoggg the ends justify the means, and since the end is perfect happiness in society Hoggg can justify any means. Including genocide torture oppression, etc. Hoggg was the Egregore that possessed Hitler, and every other dictator that has promised a perfect society if you only give him absolute power. Unlike Vindahl, Hoggg will tolerate other Egregores, although he does try to undermine them. Hoggg plays a long game, because there is no real Utopia. That is the hook to get thralls so he can feed off their energies. Hoggg like Vindahl is destructive to the hosts and the people around the host thralls. Also unlike Vindahl, Hoggg constantly lies, there is no ultimate goal. Hoggg is easy to recognize if you know what to look for. It has been noted on social media that many of the S.J.W.s have the same facial expressions and mannerisms of Hitler, that is because they are all thralls of Hoggg. His mythology is the deeds of his followers. His theoretical writings are everywhere from the writings of Marx, Hitler, to the modern activist that believes his or her goal justifies any action taken to bring about the perfect society. Hoggg is insidious, while Vindahl is violent.

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