Friday, January 24, 2020

Fragment 21

The next Magos to be examined is Joachim of Fiore (c.1135-1202). Joachim is a white Magos like Gandhi. So far we have looked at one White Magos Gandhi, and one Black Magos Peladan. One of my reasons for examining important Occult figures from the past, is to be able to use them as examples in future "Fragments". Now that we have examined both a White and a Black Magos, it should be illustrative of the difference between White and Black Magic to compare them. The White Magos is outward oriented , he-she identifies with an outward entity, whether it be an institution, an abstraction, or some spiritual realm that is out there somewhere. In simple terms the Egregores of the White school of Magic are always exhorting you to identify with something bigger than your self, and the same Egregores often add that you should be honored to sacrifice your self to whatever that bigger thing is. It should be easy to recognize Gandhi as a White Magos. Gandhi totally identified his self with the Nation-State of India. It should be noted that Gandhi was also instrumental in creating the Egregore of modern India. The Black Magos is inward orientated, he-she is seeking to become more themselves, to make your create your self. And to free your self from outward influences, such as: institutions, abstractions, and Egregores that claim to possess some Paradisaical realm to reward one with if you do their bidding. In simple terms the Egregores of the Black school of Magic are always exhorting you to work on yourself, and to free your self from the sigils that have been imposed on you from outside entities that seek to control you. There should be no problem recognizing Peladan as a Black Magos. Peladan's credo was to make your self into a masterpiece. I will have much more to say about the difference of White and Black magic in future "Fragments". This brings me to another topic that I want to address before moving to Joachim. That is the idea of the Occult War. (Another topic I will have much more to say about in future "Fragments".) The Occult War is the war to control how people think. The battlefield of the Occult War is the war of the voices in everyone's head. It is the war between Egregores or gods. As I have said before, if you control the voices in a person's head, you control the person.There are entities that are always trying to control people. The people that devote their lives to this was are called "Priests". I am referring to more than Christian Priests, although they are a perfect example of what I am talking about. Priests devote their lives to an Egregore, its promotion and maintenance. They give up their life force and bodies to their Egregore. In many ancient languages the literal translation of "Priest" is "God's body". The difference between a Magos and a Priest is that Priests are usually unconscious. When I say unconscious I do not mean that a Priest does not know the god that he serves, but probably does not know the real aims of the god he serves. And may be unconscious of the reasons why he serves. The term "Magos" I reserve for those who have made a conscious decision. As I hinted at in the last "Fragment" astral entities follow a rule of reciprocity. The example of the last "Fragment" was the Vampire Moths which feed off of a person's creative motivation and in return give euphoria, and megalomania. The more energy one geves to a god or Egregore the more one receives back, even if it is just mental illness. For the White gods this usually translates into a sense of belonging to something bigger, a sense of purpose, and some sort of reward after death, if you do their bidding. This promise of paradise is of course a lie. A bigger lie is the promise of a Utopian or Paradisaical society here on Earth. This leads me into my last topic before turning to Joachim and my bias against Joachim's philosophy. Joachim's thought centers around the two things I dislike the most about Christianity. They are the end is always near, and we should be alarmed about it, and the creation of a Utopian society in the material realm. That humans collaborating with God can create the New Jerusalem on Earth. So without further ado, let us look at Joachim of Fiore. Joachim stated out as a Cistercian monk, but was allowed to separate himself to found he own order, and monastery. Of course Joachim wa the Abbot of the new monastery, and the leader of the new order. Joachim is primarily known as a prophet. A revalator of the end of the age, and Herald of the new golden age. The reign of the Paraclete. Joachim did not like the title of prophet, preferring to view himself as gifted with Spiritual Intelligence, wherein he was able to expound and expand on the clues in Scripture regarding the future and the dawn of the age of the Paraclete. It also should be noted that Joachim did not use the terms "age' or 'period", instead he used the term "status". The status of the Paraclete is the coming Utopian age of the Holy Spirit. This is the heart of Joachim's teaching. To understand Joachim's teaching we must understand his method. For Joachim the Trinity is the key to everything, including history. In practice Joachim's method was hard and intense study of scripture and occasionally the Church Fathers until illumination of the meaning came in a vision. The illumination came in the form of a vision of symbols, and imagery. Joachim attempted to translate this imagery into diagrams. These diagrams are found in his books, some are more successful than others, many are compelling. It must be said he did have a gift for spiritual imagery, and symbols. Joachim does seem to have gotten one prophecy right, even though there was no new Utopian age, that is the founding of two new monastic orders. The founding of the Franciscan order, and the Dominican order were taken as the fulfillment of this prophecy. I quote from a useful book on Joachim, Marjorie Reeves "Joachim of Fiore and the Prophetic Future": These are essentially transitional intermediate orders, one of a hermit type to agonize for the Church in tribulation on the Mountain top, the other a preaching order to labour in the world." Joachim had great expectations for monks. Joachim's main interest was history, and the end of the World as we know it. You might say he is the Spiritual Godfather of all Apocalyptic movements As I said before the Trinity was the key to everything. So it should come as no surprise that he divided history into three ages; the age of the Father, the age of the Son, and the age of the Holy Spirit. As the reader has probably already guessed the age of the Father was from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ, we are in the second age the age of the Son, and the third age is about to start the age of the Holy Spirit the coming Utopian age. Each age is dominated by a certain class, the age of the Father by Kings and Queens, the age of the Son by Priests, and the coming age of the Holy Spirit will be dominated by Monks, and society shall be an extension of the monastery. Joachim was a Christian communist in the age of the Paraclete everything is communal, shared and shared alike. This teaching took hold in the Franciscan order. Even Bonaventure believed there would be a perfect order of Monks signifying the Seraphim the highest order of angels. This tripartite division of history is the heart of Joachim's teaching. It should be clear that even though the person of Joachim is forgotten his ideas live on. The end is always near, In our age we have the global warming scare, the Mayan calendar, the final Revolution of Marxism, etc. The idea of the tripartite division of history is of course still alive and well. It is the Ancient, Medieval and Modern breakdown of history Even though this is an awful way to break history into parts. It groups together people that did not have much in common except the time they lived. An example would be the cultures of the Bronze age (Assyrians, Sumerians Egyptians, etc.) are grouped with the cultures that arose after the Collapse of the Bronze age (Greeks, Persians, Romans, etc.). The trouble is in thought the cultures that arose after the Bronze age have more in common with the present age than they do with the cultures of the Bronze age. The tripartite division of history is not only canonical in academia it is also the heart of Marxism and Progressiveness that see history culminating in a coming Utopia. Joachim's ideas are still very much alive and still with us. Joachim was a very successful warrior in the Occult War!

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