Saturday, August 20, 2022

Fragment 44

I have stated in previous "Fragments" that I think the leadership of the world is insane. That the central planners have lost touch with reality. This is also a good example of what Gurdjieff said about people being sleepwalkers, who are controlled by their dreams. In this case it is the dream of Utopia that Hoggg uses to keep his followers enthralled. So I have to offer evidence that this is happening. Unfortunately , for humanity gathering the evidence is extremely easy. The example I will use is the collapse of the government in Sri Lanka. Our worthless, lying media, which is a tribe of bootlickers for the progressive cause, has reported that the economy in Sri Lanka collapsed, and its people are facing starvation, but they did not report on why this happened. The answer is simple, to get a higher E.S.G. score. E.S.G. score measures how much one has done to cut down on greenhouse gasses. It is used as a credit score in order to secure loans. The central planners claim that chemical fertilizers raise the carbon footprint. The trouble is the use of chemical fertilizers is the reason that has dept the Malthusian model from becoming reality. That population growth would outstrip food supply, thus leading to mass starvation. It seems the progressive left has decided that instead of fighting to end world hunger, that they are going to cause world hunger. It seems the demon Hoggg, and his minions always want to bring on mass starvation. If our society has a shred of sanity left, there would be a discussion about the policy of trying to get rid of chemical fertilizers, and the use of E.S.G. scores. And the organizations that are trying to extort countries into famine would be charged with trying to commit genocide. Instead our lying, worthless, bootlicking media is not even reporting on this policy of trying to get rid of chemical fertilizers. Instead governments around the world are trying to implement the same policy that causes famine. It took me decades to understand why Gurdjieff said the majority of humanity is asleep. They are sleepwalkers that cannot break out of the dream. The central planners and politicians of the world are sleepwalking the world into mass famine. This phenomenon of sleepwalking into a crisis can be observed in the build up to almost every war. It seems, no matter how much suffering they cause they cannot be awakened from the dream. This is the power of Hoggg, and the dream of Utopia. Even though they are commiting crimes against humanity they feel like they are the good people; they are morally superior to the rest of humanity. Hoggg accomplishes this in several ways. To begin with, the cult of Hoggg always provides instant validation to those that are carrying out the agenda, and instant condemnation to those that are not carrying out the agenda. This causes these people to feel good about themselves, no matter how much suffering they are causing. Afterall if everyone says you are doing the right thing, you must be doing the right thing. As I have said before, it seems feeling morally superior is more addictive than cocaine. Another way this is achieved is by projection. Progressives are constantly unconsciously projecting their sins onto others. This also helps to keep them asleep. As an example of this, some months ago I was reading a progressive pundit on Republican voters. He said that he thinks that Republicans dream about killing African-americans. This is, of course, a classic case of projection. The reason for the projection is that a deeper unconscious level (the Beast) does not understand why it should feel guilty for something it did not do, so it sends dreams up to the conscious mind. Then compartmentalized thinking takes over and projects the dreams on to others. It should be easy to observe what a wonderful example of Gurdjieff's teaching the above is. The constant affirmations, and validations are great examples of the mechanical aspect of humans. This is why it is imperative to develop a central "I". If one does not develop a central "I" or a True Self, one becomes a machine that someone else operates. This is a trick of the Egregores. Another trick of the Egregores is keeping this knowledge secret from the public. I know a lot of occult societies want to keep their teachings secret from public view. This is almost laughable, because even if the doctrines were easily available they would go unnoticed by the majority of people; the sleep is too deep, and the dream holds too much power. Most people are enthralled. I used to think that it was a conscious conspiracy to not teach Esotericism in academia, but I found a passage in J. Vallee's book "Messengers of Deception" that explains this phenomenon much better. It is one of the most profound passages I have ever read. It is the true story of a journalist and a military officer meeting in a cafe to discuss why there is a coverup regarding U.F.O. phenomenon. The journalist asks if there is conspiracy to coverup the U.F.O. reports. "That is not the way to put it. the officer said, when the waiter had left the table. There is no particular group deciding and enforcing a cover-up. Everybody simply avoids looking at the problem. Why upset the machine?" A passage that would make Gurdjieff smile. In this "Fragment" I want to impart two practical tips. I shall give the first one here, since it shall serve as a useful bridge into the next topic. My attempt to give a symbolic interpretation of Aleister Crowley's life. My first tip concerns the Tarot cards. I trust that all my readers keep some sort of catalog of correspondences for each card. In simpler words, that one relates events in one's own life to the cards. Here is the tip one should also keep a record of historical events that happen in one's lifetime. As I was writing about some of the remarkable people in my life, I realized that they correspond to Tarot Trump 11, the Hermit. Indeed they have held a lantern that has illuminated steps on my path. The second part is relating historical events to the cards. Sometimes events coalesce into a symbol. It seems the card has been reified, which has the power to tell the Adept much about what is happening and going to happen. I shall relate the first time this happened to me. It was on 9\ 11\ 2001 the date of the attack on the Twin Towers. At this time in my life I had become disillusioned with occultism and philosophy; I was in a state of nihilism. The morning of the attack I was in bed nursing a bad hangover. Then the phone started to ring. Friends and acquaintances were calling me to tell me what happened and seek reassurance. (why they picked me to reassure them, is a mystery to me?) Anyway, they ruined nursing my hangover in bed, so I got up and turned on the television to watch the attack. As I watched the tape of the attack, the first thought that came into my mind was Tarot Trump # 16, The Falling Tower, my hangover was gone. I realized I was a symbol come to life, the Falling Tower was being reified. It is the event that also brought me back to occultism and metaphysics. Tarot Trump had reified before my eyes. I have another reason for bringing up "The Falling Tower", because it has happened again. I am referring to the attack on the Georgia Guidestones. I hope everyone has put this event into their Tarot correspondences. So let us take up symbolic significance in the life of Aleister Crowley. This is a first attempt, so it is rough and unfinished, it should be looked upon as a beginning and not definitive. What I am attempting to do here has been done with other religious figures, but never with modern ones. It always seems to be done with ancient or medieval figures. So my attempt is both old and new. Let us begin with Crowley's birthday, and his family. Crowley was born on October 12 1875 in England. Crowley lived the first part of his life in the nineteenth century. This symbolizes that Crowley was the inheritor of the occult traditions of the nineteenth century, he is very much the successor of Levi, Papus, and Peladan. He grew up in the world of the nineteenth century. This is also the time when the British Empire is at its height. The eighteenth century had been the century of France. It is interesting to note that Eliphas Levi the great French occult philosopher died in 1875. Crowley regarded himself a reincarnation of Levi. This symbolizes the passing of the torch of Great Work from France to England. Now let me move to Crowley's family and the symbolism. Remember Jesus was the son of a carpenter (I know it is hard to forget, so much commentary has been written on the subject), Crowoley was a product of the rising middle class. The middle class is of course, the new class created by the Industrial Revolution. This shows Crowley was very much a man of the new age. He is a transitional figure between the traditions of the nineteenth century and the new century. The twentieth century is the century of great and violent change. Much like Crowley himself. Crowley got married to Rose Kelley in 1903. Marriage symbolizes the taking up of responsibilities; becoming an adult member of society. Marriage is also the beginning of a new life, the mixture of male and female energies into a new life. Remember the sacred androgyne, the mystic male-female state. This is significant because on his honeymoon in 1904 Crowley received the "Book of the Law" . Rose was the Channel, and Crowley the scribe. It took both male and female energies for the revelation. Let us now skip ahead to 1909 the year Crowley and V. Neuberg went out into the Algerian desert, to practice Enochian magic. This is when Crowely crossed the Abyss. This is, of course, one of the most important events in an occultist's life. It is both a beginning and an end. The symbol of being in the desert is very powerful, it recalls St. Anthony, and the desert Fathers that went out into the desert to confront their demons. The desert is the traditional place to confront demons, and a symbol of the Abyss. I do not think it is necessary to go into the desert to confront one's demons, but it seems to help. The idea of the desert is loaded with content and symbolism. I am now going to again skip ahead to Crowley's death. I know I am skipping a lot, but as I said this is my first attempt, I shall have much more to say in future "Fragments". Crowley died on December 1 1947. He died after the two catastrophic wars of the twentieth century. The obvious symbol of this date is that it is the end of the British Empire. India the jewel of the British Empire achieved independence on August 15, 1947. It seems Crowley and the British Empire died the same year. As for Crowley's last words I have nothing on either version. Whether he said "I am perplexed' according to Symmonds, or he said "sometimes I hate myself' according to the woman that was with him at his death. Although I believe that latter to be the true account. Since I started this "Fragment" talking about Gurdjieff, I shall use his last words: "Bravo America". Last words that surprised his followers! It seems the focus of the Great Work would move to America. To conclude I shall give my second tip on practice. I got this tip from Robert S. de Ropp, a long time student of Ouspensky. The tip is to try to move the center of your consciousness from your head to your chest. It is most helpful in meditation when you are trying to seperate yourself from your thoughts. And helps for Rituals involving ancient Gods. Remember the ancients believed the heart was the thinking organ. It is hard, but like everything becomes easier with practice. END

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