Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Fragment 28

In this "Fragment" I have some add ons to some previous "Fragments". So in this "Fragment" we shall tade a short break from the Search for the Self. As I have said before, these "Fragments" are not Systematic or to be taken as eternal truths, instead they are meant to be dynamic; to change and be built upon. To start with I have some further thoughts on our first ancestors, and how they evolved. To supplement my theory that humans were originally scavengers. The fact that humans are bipedal and with an upright posture seems to add weight to this theory. Walking on two instead of four legs and sg.. standing upright would be of great benefit to scavengers. To begin with an upright posture would allow individuals to see further ahead which would facilitate looking for food. Having the hands free would also have allowed humans to carry or drag things back to any sort of temporary camp the humans had set up. Another fact that I think supports that early humans were scavengers is that humans to this day have a penchant for collecting. Humans love to have collections. We do not find this trait in predators or in other apes. Like I said before I believe that humans were to the primates as rats are to rodents. Before moving to Jaynes's theory, I have an add on to my interpretation of the Set myth. I just recently finished reading C.G. Jung's book "Aion" where Jung investigates the fish as a symbol. Jung holds that the fish is a symbol of consciousness, or the self. The water is the unconsciousness that consciousness (the fish) swims around in. Thus the fish eating Osiris's phallus would be consciousness destroying the vitality of Egregores in the bicameral paradigm. I also have some add ons to Jaynes's theory of consciousness. When I said the left brain interprets the voices from the right brain, I should have said "messages". It would be the left brain that would add the words to the feelings, emotions, or images from the right brain. l must also state here that I am not convinced of a lot of Jaynes's right-left brain theory.But i shall leave the neuroanatomy to those more qualified than myself. Al I think of the Egregores as having an existence outside of the human brain. The other thought I want to add to Jaynes's theory is Jaynes offers us a solution to the problem of why many ancient and mesoamerican cultures would suddenly desert their cities and civilizations to return to tribal life. It was because the Egregores were condemning them. From reading the Old Testament we find the Egregore Yahweh several times thought of killing Moses. I bring this up to draw a parallel with today. Much the same thing is happening with the demon Egregore Hoggg. Hoggg is the patron demon of the social justice movement. Hogg is using guilt to condemn Western Civilization. This is why we can not solve problems today that were solvable in the past. Thus leading us back to barbarism. I will say a few words on Hogg, since he is so active today. Examples being cancel culture, the suggestion of re-education camps,and some sort of secret police that the Democratic progressives are calling for to monitor and destroy "domestic terrorism", you can be sure they shall not invetigate any violent leftist movements (Antifa, B.L.M. etc,) In simple terms Hoggg wants to destroy all those that are not serving him. Hoggg has had several internal conflicts over his life. Of course, with Egregores internal conflicts are worked out as real conflict between its human followers. One of Hoggg's most important internal conflicts happened in the Weimar Republic in Germany post W.W.1. It was the fight between the Nazis, and the Communists (Marxists). In that conflict the Nazis won, then to be defeated in W.W.2, and never rise again. I know there are several neo-Nazi movements around today, but they are just maggots feeding off the rotting corpse of the Third Reich. What is happening today is that the latent Nazism is resurfacing in Hoggg in the Progressive left. I know Progressives are always calling their opponents Nazis, but this is also a Nazi propoganda techinique of the orginal Nazis of accusing your opponets of doing what you are doing. A good example of this is when the Progresseve Democrats accused President Trump of corruption in the Ukraine, while all the time it was their candidate that was leveraging taxpayer money to help himself and his family. Let me explain. Today's Progressives are not really classical Marxists. The trouble with Marxism is it was based on a stupid economic theory. An economic system that did not work. Today's Progressives have instead turned to a Fascist economic system. Big government controls big business through regulation, instead of nationalizing production. In return the government cushes big business, big tech., and the big bankers competition with laws and regulations. In this way they can keep the population subject to Hoggg. Also because Marxism had an economic system as its heart, the messianic class was factory workers, supposedly the most oppressed class. It was factory workers that were supposed to lead us to Utopia. This absurd theory was dropped, instead today's Progressives have substituted a racial (Nazi) theory in its place. Although, they have inverted it in several ways.Now it is whiteness instead of jewishness that is the problem. (Progressives still hate Jews. The Democratic party is rife with antisemitism from top to bottom.) So instead of "Jewishness" it is "Whiteness" that is the problem. The Nazis used to talk of Jewish science, Jewish history, etc. in a pejorative way, now the Progresseve left speaks of White science, history, civilization in the same way. It should not be hard to observe that Progressive of today owe more intellectual debt to Adof Hitler than Karl Marx. Although Hogg has kept some Marxist traits. The international character of the movement. which is now called globalism. The other prominent trait is that people living under the Progressives of today must keep up a steady stream of affirmations of the Progresseve value system, to constantly confirm their allegiance to Hoggg. When I was young, I was able to meet some people that had lived under both the Nazis and the Communists. I asked them what was the difference? They told me under the Nazis you could keep quiet, and they would not bother you. Under the Communists you had to keep up a steady stream of talk affirming how great Communism was. This is of course, a technique of mind control; to gain control of the voices in your head. Like when a popular song gets stuck in your head; Hoggg wants his voice to get stuck in people's heads. There are many parallels between modern America and the Weimar Republic. But do not lose hope, there are also many differences. The most important difference is the quality of Hoggg's tools.Today's Progressives are weak, stupid, soft cowards, a far cry frome the cunning, battle hardened veterans returning frome W.W.1. I would advise everyone to stay clear of the warring Egregores to today. So in parting I shall relate a story from the life of Gurdjieff. When Gurdjieff was leading his followers out of Revolutionary Russia, he had a piece of paper, on one side was a pass to get through the Red Army checkpoints and on the other side was a pass to get through the White Army checkpoints.

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